Program at a glance
Work experience
Clinical/fieldwork placement
Study options
Open to International
11.5 months
Front-line caregivers
New intake every October
Health Care Assistant - ESL is designed for students who want to take the HCA program while also improving their English language skills.
As a Health Care Assistant, you'll be given the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to function effectively as a front-line care-giver and respected member of the health care team in both community and facility settings.
In demand
Health Care Assistant graduates are in high demand.
Do you have a genuine desire to work with older adults and persons with disabilities? Are you intrigued by the possibility ofassisting others with personal carein the practical aspects of their day-to-day lives? Are you prepared for a career that will require you to work days, evenings, nights, weekends, holidays and 8-12 hour shifts? If you answered yes to all the above, then Health Care Assistant is the perfect career for you.
We'll help you succeed
As you work through the Health Care Assistant program's curriculum and your clinical placements, you'll acquire the skills, knowledge and values you'll need to provideprofessional careto the elderly and those facing other health or illness challenges.
Focusing on the elderly, you'll learn how to provide care that promotes and maintains the physical, psychological and social well-being of the clients you'll care for in your subsequent role as a Health Care Assistant.
Recognition status by the BC Care Aide & Community Health Worker Registry
The Health Care Assistant (HCA) program delivered by 91AV has been granted a full, five-year recognition status by the . Graduates of the HCA program delivered by 91AV are eligible for registration with the BC Care Aide & Community Health Worker Registry.
The reviews and recognizes Health Care Assistant (HCA) programs in BC to ensure that they are: following the provincial curriculum, implementing a common set of training standards and graduating competent front-line health care providers. Confirming that HCAs meet registration requirements is integral to the registry's mandate of patient protection and improved standards of care.

Indigenous Limited Priority Admissions
The School of Health & Human Services (HHS) offers Priority Seating for Indigenous students in all Health related programs.
VisitEyēʔ Sqȃ’lewen - Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections (IECC)for information on how to apply.
Any questions about the application process, please
TheIndigenous Limited Priority Admissionsprocess, approved by the Board of Governors, supported by the Education Council, and approved by the BC Human Rights Tribunal, welcomes applications from all qualified Indigenous applicants.
What you'll learn
Current students wanting information about your program, go to student planning in.
Program outline
For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the academic calendar.
Person-centred care
Health Care Assistants learn a wide variety of practical and resident/client care skills. Our program is hands-on, with clinical placements throughout your time at Camosun. You’ll learn about interpersonal communications, lifestyles and choices, personal care, and how to treat patients ethically and with compassion.
What to expect
Located at our Interurban campus, the full-time HCA program is 11.5 months long. Monday-Friday, 8:30am-2:30pm from October - September.
Homework commitments may vary per student but are likely about three to four hours per day including weekends. You will be required to participate in full-time clinical placements that include day and evening shifts that may occur outside of regular class time.
Health Care Assistant courses
Your studies will provide you with the skills to advocate on behalf of the rights, needs, interests and fair treatment of residents and their families. As a Health Care Assistant you will develop a person-centred care philosophy aimed at promoting and maintaining the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well being of clients/residents.
Related link
Subject Area: Learn about other ESL programs and courses

HCA program handbooks
Find current student information in theSchool of Health and Human Servicesand HCA programhandbooks.
Tuition and fees
Effective from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025
Estimated tuition
Tuition estimates are for the entire program.
Health Care Assistant - ESL, Certificate
$3055 (domestic)
$20,969 (international)
Domestic tuition fees vary depending on the individual course fees for the classes you select.
For International students visit: International Tuition & Fees.
Student fees
In addition to tuition estimates, student fees are calculated based on your enrolment. Refer to:Student Fees.
Financial assistance
You may need to find more than one source of funding to help pay for your education and living costs while attending college. Check out sources of money you don't need to pay back as well as those that need to be repaid.
Admission requirements
Evidence of all of the following must be provided prior to acceptance: 1. English Language Proficiency Requirements: BC HCA program applicants are required to demonstrate English language proficiency. Domestic and/or international applicants whose first language is not Englishwill need to take a standardized proficiency assessment to confirm communicative competency in all four language skills areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of one of the following standardized English language proficiency test scores from an authorized assessment centre: Note:A CLB Report Card from a Language Instruction for Newcomers (LINC) Program may also be accepted. To confirm the appropriate level of English proficiency, LINCReport Cards (also may be known as ESL Student Progress Reports) would need to specify that an applicant's current language level ("CLB levels now"), as "Completing" CLB Speaking 6, Listening 6, Reading 6 and Writing 6 AND that the "Recommended Class Placement for Next Term / Course" as Speaking 7, Listening 7, Reading 7 and Writing 7. 2.Informational Interview: 3. Information Session: 4.For International students: a clear police certificate from country of origin must also be included as a program entry requirement
When you apply you will need to submit proof that you meet the program admission requirements listed above. Where a letter grade is specified, you must have proof of that grade or higher.
For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the Academic Calendar: Loading...
Ready to get started?
Check our current program availability.
Missing admission requirements?
You may be able to take an assessment or upgrade with us.
Need help applying?
Find out more on How to Apply or speak to an Admissions Advisor.
Contact us
If you have admissions questions contact us today!
If you have questions about what you can expect to learn in your HCA classes contact
Faculty/staff profile

Ros Giles-Pereira
Chair, Continuing Care Department
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness (CHW)
Faculty/staff profile

Faculty/staff profile

Cathy Josephson
Aex and Jo Campbell Centre for Health and Wellness (CHW)

Learn more
For more details, including courses, please see the program outline in the academic calendar.
Contact information
School of Health and Human Services
Campus location
Alex & Jo Campbell Centre for Health & Wellness building (CHW), room 207
Location link
Admissions questions: