It's important to know and understand your rights and responsibilities as a student so we've created a summary of the most referenced academic policies, procedures, expectations and accountabilities.
Academic Regulations
Academic regulations will be found throughout this calendar and may not necessarily be contained only in this section.
Academic Accommodations
91AV values and commits to the principles articulated in the
. The College promotes human rights, adheres to theBritish Columbia Human Rights Code, and commits to fostering a college community that supports full participation of all students to study and engage in work integrated learning experiences to the best of their capability. The College is committed to identifying and removing institutional and social barriers that prevent access and impede success.
The provision of academic accommodation will not undermine the academic standards of the College, nor will it remove the need for assessment or the student's responsibility to meet essential learning requirements of courses and programs, including but not limited to requisite licensing processes, practicums, and work-integrated learning.
Students seeking academic accommodation must identify their disability to the College through theCentre for Accessible Learning. Early identification is encouraged so that appropriate academic accommodations can be put in place in a timely way.
Full Policy:
Academic Credit
Academic credits reflectstudent workload rather than classroom contact hours.
Normally, students are expected to devote nine to twelve hours of academic time and effort per week for a three-credit course. Academic time and effort include class time lectures, labs, tutorials, etc.), experiential or blended components, and all independent study (assignments, readings, preparation, study, etc.).
Most courses at 91AV are 3.0 credits. A 100% course load is normally comprised of five (5) courses per 15-week term, 15 credits/term, 30 credits/year.Courses that require relatively similar amounts of learning time shall be assigned similar credit values, regardless of the instructional or delivery method(s) used and the perceived difficulty of the course curriculum as compared to other course curricula at the College will not be factored into the credit assignment standard.
In order for a course to bear academic credit it must:
- lead to a credential;
- be approved by Education Council;
- have learning outcomes defined; and
- have a formal assessment of the learning outcomes.
Full policy:
Academic Integrity
91AVis committed to building the academiccompetency of all students, and seeks to empower students to become agents of their own learning and promote academic belonging for everyone.
Responsibility for upholding the values of academic integrity lies with everyone within Camosun'steaching and learning communities. Students are responsible for understanding and practicing Academic Integrity, while instructors will evaluate students' academic performance in afair and just manner and are expected to model and instill the values of academic integrity in their teaching practices.
91AV ensures that allegations of violations are managed and investigated appropriately, in a fair and equitable manner, with determinations based on the balance of probabilities. The College commits to the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness when addressing allegations of academic misconduct. Investigations of academic misconduct will be conducted through timely, consistent, unbiased, and established procedures.
While under investigation for violation of the Academic Integrity policy, a student may continue to register and enroll in academic courses but will not receive a credential until a final decision regarding the matter has been made. If a student fails a prerequisite course due to an academic misconduct, then they may be removed from a subsequent course that requires the prerequisite. As an Interim Measure, students under investigation may be prevented from continuing on to a practicum course or work-term while under investigation for violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
Violations of Academic Integrity include but are not limited to the following:
- Acting unethically/dishonestly in a test or examination
- Cheating
- Falsifying, Misrepresenting, and/or Withholding Information
- Fraud or Fabrication
- Impersonation
- Improper access
- Obstruction and interference
- Plagiarism
- Unauthorised co-operation or collaboration/collusion
- Unauthorised resubmission of work
Outcomes will vary based on the severity and frequency of the academic misconduct. Where appropriate, the outcomes of an investigation of academic misconduct will be educational and developmental rather than punitive.
Students have the right to request an appeal of a Dean's/Director'sdecision or outcome resulting from the violation of the Academic Integrity Policy if the grounds for appeal are met. Studentsmay withdraw their appeal to the Education Council's Academic Appeals Panel, in which case the matter will be considered closed and no further appeals may be made to the Panel regarding the same matter.
Using Artificial Intellegence Tools at Camosun
Students at 91AV are responsible for following theAcademic Integrity Policy. The use of AI tools without permission of your instructor is considered cheating or plagiarism, which violates the college’s Academic Integrity Policy. Infractions of this policy can result in a failing grade on an assignment. Repeated infractions can result in more serious consequences, including failing a course.
Learn more about using ChatGPT, Copilot, Grammarly, and other .
Full Policy:
Academic Standing & Progression
91AV is committed to maintaining high academic standards, promoting student success, and endeavouring to support students who have difficulty meeting academic requirements. In the event that students are unable to meet academic requirements, the College will make reasonable attempts to ensure that they are aware of potential consequences and that information about available support services is provided.
Academic Standing in its various forms applies to all current 91AV students and relates to students' eligibility to register in credit courses within a 91AVprogram and their eligibility to graduate from a program. Students should be aware that specific programs may have additionalprogressionrequirementsthat place additional conditions on how a student maintains eligibility to remain in a program of study. Students are solely responsible for being familiar with program-specific progression requirements and general program requirements in order to be eligible to graduate.
GPA Calculations
For each student, a term average and a cumulative average will be calculated. These averages will be used to assess a student's eligibility to proceed.
- Averages will be based on the calculation ofallattempted credits.
- Average calculations include failed grades. All final grades below 50% are considered failures. All final grades will be recorded on official transcripts as assigned.
- Averages are rounded up for progression purposes (i.e. a 69.5% will be rounded up to 70%).
Credit Attempt
A course is considered to have been attempted when a final grade has been assigned to it. A course from which a student has withdrawn is not considered an attempt.
Academic Standing
The college recognizes the considerable effort on the part of students to establish and meet their educational goals and is committed to creating a supportive learning environment as students make progress toward their educational goals.
Formal assessment of students' academic performance and the assignment of grades are based on the quality of student achievement compared with the standards and requirements established by the college, the school, the program, and the individual courses.
Students are ultimately responsiblefor their learning and progress and are expected to seek help in a timely manner when they are unable to meet the course requirements. The college is committed to supporting student success and to working with students in achieving their educational goals.
To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in each academic term. Some programs may require a higher minimum GPA, specific attendance requirements, or the passing or successful completion of specific courses to continue in the program. For those programs graded under the non-GPA Competency Based Grading System, the student must demonstrate continued satisfactory progress in order to remain in good academic standing.
All students are expected to meet college standards of academic progress in order to be permitted to continue or to be promoted to the next level of the program. Whena student is at risk, the college will offer academic support and, if and when needed, provide intervention strategies.
Good Standing
All students are assumed to be in good academic standing unless stated otherwise on their academic record.
Dean's Honour Roll
A student who has achieved a term GPA of 8.0 or greater (9 credits minimum; or 6 credits minimum for students with a reduced course load accommodation).
Academic Alert
A student who does not meet a minimum term GPA of 2.0 for the first time will be placed on Academic Alert. This provides an opportunity for the student to seek appropriate supports to improve their GPA.
Academic Probation
A student who does not meet a minimum term GPA of 2.0 for any subsequent semester will be placed on academic probation. In non-GPA programs, the decision as to what triggers academic probation willbe made at the program and departmental level, bearing in mind that a student in self- paced courses may register only three times in the same course.
Academic Removal
Students on Academic Probation who do not achieve the minimum term GPA requirement in any subsequent term will be removed or required to withdraw for a period of 12 months. Prior to registering into another program, the student must complete a new Personal Learning Plan (PLP) and obtain the permission of the dean.
Academic Suspension
If a student does not meet the GPA requirement in a subsequent program, a recommendation will be forwarded to the President to suspend the student from the college for a minimum of two years.
Full Policy:
Academic Terms (Semesters)
91AVoperates on a 15-week termsystem, inclusive of a final evaluation period. The Fall Term begins in September and ends in December. The Winter Term begins in January and ends in April. The Summer Term begins in May and ends in August.
The College also offers a selection of compressed, 7-week courses in each term.Credits earned in 7-week coursesare applied to a student's program in the same manner as credits acquired in 15-week courses.
Note:The words 'Term' and 'Semester' may be used interchangeably in college communications and publications.
Class Level
Also known as 'year of study', a student's class level is defined by the number of completed credits. The minimum completed credits for each class level is:
- First year: completion of fewer than 18 credits
- Second year:completion of 18-36 credits
- Third year: completion of 36-54 credits
- Fourth year: completion of 54 or more credits AND registration in a 4-year program
Some programs may have higher thresholds for determination of class level.
Course Load
A full course load for an undergraduate student is normally five courses per term. Students are encouraged to enrol in no more than six courses per term, and the baseline maximum credit load is set at 18.0. myCamosun will permit students with a GPA of 6.0+ to register in one overload course (max. 3credits) automatically. If GPA is less than 6.0, or additional overload courses are requested, approval of Dean or designate is required.
Note:Some programs may require additional credits.
Full-Time Status
A student is considered full-time at 91AV if they are enrolled in nine credits per semester,or in non-credit programs defined as full-time by the department (minimum 15instructional hours per week). This requirement may be reduced for a student with a documented disability that affects their ability to participate in a full course load. Please note that meeting the 91AV requirement for full-time status does not ensure eligibility for student loans, awards, or other benefits, which often have other criteria.
Enrolled students are considered part-time if they are not enrolled in sufficient credits for full-time status.
Credentials & Parchments
91AV is committed to establishing standards that ensure the validity, consistency, andquality of credentials awarded.The academic requirements for a certificate, diploma, associate or applied degree are listed as part of the program descriptions in this calendar.
Awarding of Credentials
Credentials are awarded based on successful completion of all program requirements as outlined in a student's assigned Academic Calendar year, and aredeemed to be earned when all requirements for the credential are completed as validated by the Office of the Registrar.Onceawarded, a credential cannot be supplemented or changed.
Credentials are not awarded automatically, and students are required to apply to graduate.
The Registrar has the authority, on a case-by-case basis and with the joint approval of the appropriate Dean or Director, to make exceptions to graduation requirements.
Credentials may be rescinded if it is revealed that credentials were acquired through fraudulent means and/or in contravention of Camosun's.
Credential Framework
All 91AV programs leading to a credential have received formal college approval through Education Council. The college issues the following types of credentials:
Degree (Bachelor) | 120 | 8 Terms |
Associate Degree | 60 | 4 Terms |
Diploma | 60 | 4 Terms |
Certificate *** | 15+ | 1+ Terms |
Post-Degree Diploma | 30+ | 2+ Terms |
Post-Degree Certificate | 15+ | 1+ Terms |
Advanced Diploma | 30+ | 2+ Terms |
Advanced Certificate | 15+ | 1+ Terms |
* Non-credit, Education Council-approved Developmental (Adult Basic Education, Career Preparation, English Language Development, and Learning Skills-related) and Continuing Education Certificates are exempt from minimum credit requirement and instead require a minimum of 60 hours of instruction (per E-1.6 Education Approvals). In addition, some programs may require more than the credit requirements stipulated above, often due to external articulation and/or accreditation arrangements. Education Council must approve such exceptions.
** An academic Term is equivalent to 15 weeks of full-time, 100% course load study.
*** Access Certificates require a minimum of 15 credits, while other Certificate programming requires 30 credits.
91AV offers technical training for various apprenticeships that are developed and regulated by SkilledTradesBC.
Certificate of Completion
In consultation with the Registrar, issued when formal recognition of successful completion of a non-credit program or course is required.
International Credentials
Credentials that are developed for partnered delivery exclusivelyoutside of Canada will have the term "International" (e.g. International Certificate in,International Diploma in, etc.) appended to the name of the credential to clearly distinguish from domestic credentials.
Adult Graduation Diploma
Camosun may issue the BC Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood) on behalf of the Ministry of Education based on Ministry requirements; however, this is not considered a Camosun credential.
Posthumous Credentials
A posthumous credential is awarded to recognize the achievement of a 91AV student who has died after completion of a substantial portion of a credential but before completing all graduation requirements. Posthumous credentials are granted on a case-by-case basis and with the joint approval of the appropriate Dean or Director and Registrar.
Honorary Degrees
Honorary Degrees are awarded by the Board of Governors to recognize persons who are distinguished by their significant contributions and accomplishments and whose excellence will reflect positively on the College.
Recognition of Achievement
The College may recognize students who complete certificate, diploma, and degree programs with high academic performance as having earned graduation with Distinction or High Distinction. The designation will appear on both parchments and transcripts.
- With Distinction: An acknowledgment of academic achievement on the credential parchment and transcript for those students who graduate with a cumulative GPA of 8.0 to 8.99.
- With High Distinction: An acknowledgment of academic achievement on the credential parchment and transcript for those students who graduate with a cumulative GPA of 9.0.
Multiple Credentials
Students who have completed one credential at 91AV and want to apply some or all of their course work towards an additional credential may use a limited amount of credit from the original credential to the new credential.
To acquire a subsequent or higher level credential, a student must complete all the requirements of the credential. In addition, at least 25% of the credits (or hours for non-credit courses) must be new. The chart below outlines the steps required to acquire a subsequent or higher level credential.
Full Policy:
Examinations & Evaluation
During the first meeting with the class, aninstructor will provide each student in their class with a course syllabuswhich includes the evaluation process. If a final examination will be used as a part of the formal evaluation, it must be specifically identified at this time.
Final Examinations
All final exams will occur during the final exam period. Students are expected to write tests and final examinations at the scheduled time and place. Final exam schedules will be posted. Where possible, students will write no more than two final examinations on the same day.
Where a student has more than two final exams scheduled on one day, the student is to contact the instructor(s) to discuss alternate arrangements.
In emergency circumstances, a student may write a test or final examination before or after the scheduled time if the student would otherwise be unable to complete the program or course. Exceptions due to emergency circumstances, such as unavoidable employment commitments, health problems, or unavoidable family crises, require the approval of the appropriate instructor. Holidays or scheduled flights are not considered to be emergencies. The student may be required to provide verification of the emergency circumstance.
Invigilators will inform students of any rule which may apply to the conduct of a specific examination. This may include, but is not limited to, rules for the following:
- the consumption of food or beverages within the final examination room;
- late entry to the final examination room thirty minutes after the scheduled commencement of the examination;
- students leaving during the first 30 minutes of the examination;
- the use of calculators, cell phones, terminals or other information-processing devices;
- the access to washroom facilities during the final examination;
- the use of supplementary books, manuals or reference sources;
- the use of previously completed course material, studio or shop projects or experiments; and,
- the provision of special arrangements for any accommodatedstudents.
Retention of Records
All instructors' records of all student marks (e.g., marks, books, breakdowns of marks) shall be retained by the instructional area for 12 months after the conclusion of a course. Final examination papers are the property of 91AV. For the purposes of appeal, all major examination papers or assignments not returned to students must be retained by the instruction area for 12 months after the submission of the final grade.
All students will be given the opportunity to review their final examination papers, but the ultimate disposal of both the examinations and completed papers is the sole responsibility of the appropriate department and/or faculty member. All instructors using a common examination must agree if these documents are to be returned to the students.
Grades & GPA
91AV has two recognized grading systems: astandard gradingsystem used for most academic, technical, and career-based programming; and acompetency-based gradingsystem used for courses in which satisfactory acquisition of defined skills or successful completion of the course learning outcomes is the basis of evaluation and grading.
The College will assign temporary grades for a number of special circumstances; however, all temporary grades will convert to a final grade in one of the two grading systems.
As established in the Course Withdrawal Policy, students who do not officially withdraw prior to the published deadlines, and who fail to successfully complete required course work, will be assigned a final grade of "F" or "NC" depending on the grading system being used in the course.
To enable students to pursue subsequent educational and professional goals, submission and processing timelines for final grades shall be established.
Standard Grading
Percentage | Grade | Grade Points |
90 - 100 | A+ | 9 |
85 - 89 | A | 8 |
80 - 84 | A- | 7 |
77 - 79 | B+ | 6 |
73 - 76 | B | 5 |
70 - 72 | B- | 4 |
65 - 69 | C+ | 3 |
60 - 64 | C | 2 |
50 - 59 | D | 1 |
0 - 49 | F | 0 |
Competency Grading
This grading system is based on satisfactory acquisition of defined skills orsuccessful completion of the course learning outcomes.
Grade | Description |
COM | Complete:The student has met the goals, criteria, or competencies established for this course, practicum or field placement. |
DST | Distinction:The student has met and exceeded, above and beyond expectation, the goals, criteria, or competencies established for this course, practicum or field placement. |
NC | Not Complete:The student has not met the goals, criteria or competencies established for this course, practicum or field placement. |
Temporary Grades
Assigned for specific circumstances and convert to a final grade according to the grading scheme being used in the course.
Temporary Grade | Description |
I | Incomplete:A temporary grade assigned when the requirements of a course have not yet been completed. Students must complete the course requirements within six (6) weeks of the "I" grade being assigned. Appears on the transcript. |
IP | In Progress:A temporary grade assigned for courses that may require further enrollment in the same course. No more than two IP grades will be assigned for the same course. (For these courses a final grade will be assigned to either the 3rdcourse attempt or at the point of course completion.) Appears on the transcript. |
Student Record and Transcript Notations
Notations placed on a student's record indicate a status or standing and provide additional information to the student and the College. The notations do notaffecta student's GPA.
Notation | Description |
AUD | Audit:An academic course taken for interest where a grade is not assigned and the course cannot be used for program completion requirements, admission requirements, or as a prerequisite. Appears on the transcript. |
W | Withdrawal: The student has officially withdrawn from the course prior to the designated withdrawal deadline. Appears on the transcript. |
Grade Notification
Final course grades willbe submitted within five (5) calendar days of the final exam or final evaluation Students will be able to check their grades online using myCamosun.
NoteIf students are unable to access their grades via the web, a "" may have been placed on their student record.
Grade Changes
There are special circumstances for which grades can be changed (e.g., when there has been a grade appeal or in the case where an "I" grade has been assigned awaiting completion of outstanding requirements).
Other than in the case of an "I", grade changes after initial submission by instructors require approval of the Dean.
"I" grades will be accompanied by a form which describes the outstanding requirements for course completion. The instructor will provide a copy of this form to the student and the school office. Any "I" grade that has not been changed after the six-week period will be converted to an "F" grade. Extensions to this six-week period will be considered only for exceptional reasons and will require written approval of the Dean.
Repeating a Course and GPA
If a course is repeated, the grade for each attempt will be recorded on the student's permanent student record (transcript). Only the highest grade achieved, however, is included in the cumulative GPA computation. Credit will be granted only once. Students are cautioned that other institutions may include both grades in their admissions GPA computation. Those students planning to transfer from 91AV to another post-secondary educational institution are advised to consult with the institution to which they are transferring in order to confirm the method of GPA computation.
Full policy:
Grade Appeals
91AV is committed to the provision of a fair and timely appeal process through which student concerns regarding final grades and imposed discipline can be addressed. Students have access to a multi-stage process within their Schools for appealing a decision regarding a final grade or imposed discipline.
Full policy:
Official Communication
To provide important and timely information that is of specific interest to students, such as deadlines, waitlist notifications, registration details, and other important updates,all students are required to providean activeemail addressfor communication with the College.
In communicating with students, the College willendeavour to keep messagingshort, concise, and accurate.Mass communications must be approved by the Office of the Registrar, and will be discouraged unless there is a real and specific need for the entire student body to receive the specific information.
Full Policy:
Program Completion Timelines
There are no college-wide time limits for the completion of credentials. However, Education Council may approve time limits for the completion of specific programs which will be published in the Academic Calendar. Where requirements have changed and prescribed courses are not available, or in the event a program is suspended or cancelled, the College will take reasonable measures to support students in meeting their educational objectives.
Residency Requirement
Students must acquire a minimum amount of credit at 91AV in order to be awarded a 91AV credential.Additional minimum requirements may be stipulated by specific programs.
Certificates, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas, and Associate Degrees
To be awarded a 91AV certificate, diploma, advanced diploma, or associate degree, a student must have completedat least 25%of the program completion requirements through 91AV.
To be awarded a 91AV degree, a student must have completedat least 50%of the program completion requirements through 91AV.
Transfer Credit & Prior Learning
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is defined as credit for a 91AV course formally granted forequivalent academic work successfully completed at another recognized post-secondary institution. The credit granted is recorded on the 91AV official record and is used to meet program requirements,but no grade is assigned and thus not calculated into the GPA.
- Official transcripts are evaluated by the Office of the Registraronce admission requirements for the program have been assessed.
- Where admission to a program is based on transfer credit evaluation, this evaluation begins once an application and fees are processed transcripts are forwarded.
- Not all transfer credit granted will necessarily satisfy admission or program completion requirements.
- Students with education from within Canada may be requested to submit detailed course outlines in order for the evaluation to begin.
- Students with out-of-country transcripts are required to submit detailed course outlines before credit will be assessed. Transcripts and course outlines in languages other than English must be submitted with official translations into English.
- Coursework completed ten (10) or more years prior is not automatically awarded transfer credit. Currency of the subject matter is taken into account, and decisions will be processed on an individual basis and eligible for unassigned credit only.
- Students who enrol in a course for which the transfer credit evaluation is pending are responsible for withdrawal from duplicate courses and are subject to all college refund and withdrawal policies in the event transfer credit is granted.
- Processing timelines for general evaluations can be up to8 weeks. Complex credit assessment that requires consultation with other educational personnel maytake considerably longer. Therefore, it is important that all documentation related to the evaluation of credit be submitted well in advance of the program commencement.
Theprovides information on previously approved transferable courses and programs between post-secondary institutions within British Columbia.
Prior Learning
91AV recognizes that learning which some students acquire from their life and work experiences may be equivalent to college-level learning, and may offer the opportunity toacquire credit in a module, course, or program through assessment of learning gained from those experiences.
A successful assessment of prior learning will apply to only the designated module or course and will not constitute completion of any prerequisites for other modules, courses or programs.
PLA processes are developed and implemented by the department or discipline in which the credit is sought.
PLA processes will include assessment of performance on the full range of theoretical and practical learning outcomes of a module or course.
Students will request or be requestedto document their learning of specific knowledge, skills and values related tothe course or program learning outcomes, objectives, or competencies for which credit is requested. Documentation must support learning statements and may include and not be restricted to the following:
- personal profiles and portfolios;
- non-credit certificates/diplomas;
- work products and artifacts;
- course challenges (written, oral, performance examinations [e.g., laboratory, clinical, work-site], product assessment, standardized exams);
- performance evaluations (e.g., role- plays; live, video or audio presentations; lab demonstrations; simulations; work- site demonstrations); and
- documented learning from life and work experiences and accomplishments.
Once registered in a PLA module or course, students may withdraw according to guidelines established in theCourse Withdrawal Policy; however, course withdrawal is not permitted for PLA courses of one week's duration or less.
Upon completion of a PLA module or course:
- Students are entitled to an interview with a faculty member to review their course performance;
A final grade will be awarded and submitted by the faculty member, and entered on the student's transcript regardless of the grade received.
Repeating a Course
Any student who has previously taken a regular (non-PLA) module or course or module, whether successful or unsuccessful, cannot be assessed for prior learning for that same course until at least one full academic term has elapsed (see definition). Once this period has elapsed, the student must be able to demonstrate to the Chair or Program Leader additional learning acquired which supports his/her PLA application.
Full Policy(under review):